
Saturday, November 15, 2014

Four Lessons from NaWriMo

Today is the half way point. Whether you are participating in National Novel Writing Month, or you have accepted one of my personal challenges (click icon in the sidebar to the right for more details) you should have met half of your goal by midnight tonight. If not, don't despair, just keep going!

Four lessons this challenge can teach you:

1)      Create a Goal – maybe you’ve only committed to write for five minutes a day – every day. Or maybe you have set yourself a specific word count to achieve each day, a number of submissions per month, or per year. Whatever your goal, keep driving yourself forward. Chase success long enough, and you’ll find it.

2)      Know What Motivates You – Accountability can be a driving force for many writers. The nature of the NaNo website, where you report your daily word count, or advertising your goals through any other form of social media, can be very motivating. The stigma of having to confess your failure publicly can drive you to continue when it would otherwise be easy to give up. If public praise/humiliation does not work for you, try rewarding yourself for meeting your goals by watching a favorite show, indulging in a glass of your favorite beverage, or opening that package of chocolate.

3)      Identify Stumbling Blocks – For many of us social media can become a large time suck, and enable us to avoid productive work. Cleaning the house will suddenly become more important, or comparing yourself to another writer can cast doubts and cause depression. One I’m guilty of is getting overwhelmed by my research and failing to produce any work of my own. Be honest with yourself, and avoid problem areas.

4)      Learn How Far You Can Push Yourself - By writing every day, we learn which events can cause us problems, and which don’t. Don’t be afraid to take the time you need for your work, or to have the courage to walk away from a project that you know is not good for you. Trust yourself and try not to fear failure or success. For more on this topic:

What have you learned about yourself?


  1. "The stigma of having to confess your failure publicly can drive you to continue when it would otherwise be easy to give up." I'll say!

  2. I love that quote! I've found the success from setting and meeting a goal can be a great motivator.
