
Saturday, September 20, 2014

Chicken Soup Connections

I just enjoyed a luncheon with the Chicken Soup for the Soul publisher - Amy Newmark. I had the pleasure of meeting 20 other talented authors, and learning about some of the exciting projects the company is now working to complete.

Did you know they have their own line of soups which can be purchased at many HEB and Wal-Mart locations?

Right: Poet Laurie Kolp, Publisher Amy Newmark, and Sylvia Ney at Hotel Za Za in Houston, Texas.

Below: Publisher Amy Newmark and 20 contributing authors. Some of them have only been in one volume, and some have appeared in more than one dozen Chicken Soup books since the company first began.

Have you ever contributed to, or been published in one of the Chicken Soup for the Soul books? Which one(s)?

Do you enjoy reading them? Why, or why not?

What projects are you working to complete, or what books have you enjoyed lately?