
Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Family of Rejects

My story "Family of Rejects" will appear in Chicken Soup for the Soul: Reboot Your Life which is set for release on September 16, 2014.

We all fall into ruts at times, with our jobs, our relationships, our lives. This anthology is a collection of 101 personal stories of change. They are meant to inspire, invigorate, and empower you to break out of your own rut. With its powerful stories of taking chances, positive life changes, and finding new paths to happiness, you will be inspired to find the courage to reboot your own life! I hope they will motivate you to find your own new path to happiness.

You can already order this title from most major retailers.

Interested in submitting your own stories for publication in future Chicken Soup titles? Keep an eye on their Possible Book Topics page.