
Tuesday, April 22, 2014


I'm working to complete several submission pieces right now. Deadlines are looming and I'm excited about finishing a few projects.

Most recently I've been writing for Southeast Texas Family Magazine - you can see my April article here: and for Southern Writer's Magazine - you can find some of my agent interviews in the March and May issues. They are both good quality magazines working toward meeting the needs of two of my passions - family and writing.

Some of my other submission ideas (for other publications) have fallen by the wayside. I'm hoping to get back to them when I have more time. If you're looking for some submission opportunities, try my post last week on Markets. or try a short story contest from Southern Writer's Magazine:

What submissions pieces are you working to complete?


  1. Congratulations on your two new successes, and thanks for visiting my blog. I appreciate it.

  2. Thanks for your ideas. Now and then I submit when I need a break from novel writing:)

  3. Sylvia, thanks so much for the submission opportunities from the earlier post! Much appreciated. I make lists and then forget the deadlines! Aaarggh! Great post. I'll be back to read more later.

  4. thanks for the suggestions. I came out of regional and family magazines and they seem to be an ever-green source of places to submit. And lately, I keep seeing a lot of calls for people who can write about finance. That is something you can always give a family or a regional twist.

  5. I'm not working on any submissions right now... Instead, I'm trying to work on my ability to wait patiently to hear back from people! That's more than enough of a challenge for me!

  6. I am working on completing a novel with intentions of submitting but I have not yet down the research for where. I am going to read your post on markets. Thank you :)

  7. I would love to write for magazines. Although I don't know that my military spec ops series, my MCs, or serial killers would get any of them seriously interested in my writing. lol

    Thanks for stopping in and following. I'm also your newest blog follower


  8. Sadly not working on any :( but I wish good luck to u with ur submissions!

  9. Congrats!!! I just did a whole bunch of submissions and have a couple of travel articles on the hob. It's always nice to be working on something ♥

  10. Congrats and good luck! I'm querying my latest MS right now, so that's where most of my attention is. That and writing the sequel.
