
Saturday, September 21, 2013

Reading Treasures

I've been insanely busy this past month, and as a result I'm having trouble getting into any of the books I pick up. I read a variety of genres, but as I peruse my "to be read pile" for a great escape, nothing seems to click.

So, what are you reading? Do you have any recommendations for me?


  1. A couple I've enjoyed recently have been Scarlet, by AC Gaughen, and Poison, by Bridget Zinn. Hope you find something you enjoy!

  2. I'm reading 'Parisians', by Graham Robb and Diana Gabaldon's, 'A Breath of Snow and Ashes'. These are print books. Just finished 'Claude and Camille', by Stephenie Cowell, a Novel of Monet. I reviewed it at my blog.

    ALSO:(in progress TBR)
    Ebooks: reading books by Roland Yeomans, Jessica Bell, and Milo James Fowler.

  3. I'm reading a book soon to be released by Kym and Mark Todd that is a lot of fun, and I've got a Natalie Goldberg book going-- she's always great to read. Love reading what others are exploring too.

  4. Have you ever read Seraphina? That is one of my favourites.

  5. Thanks for the suggestions. I'll check them out!
