
Monday, July 1, 2013

Taking a Bite Out of Illiteracy

The two year anniversary issue of Southern Writers Magazine releases today.

This issue features my interview of children’s author Tommie Townsley. She is a strong advocate of reading with children. To learn more about her, you can visit her website:

You can order a digital or a print version of the magazine at While a bit expensive per print issue, you can order a subscription (six issues) a bit cheaper, and the digital version is slightly cheaper than that. This magazine is printed in beautiful and high quality.

What magazines do you enjoy? What projects are you working to complete or publish?


  1. I plan to self publish my first book later this year.

  2. I self published both my books and enjoyed the experience. Hopefully I plan a third next year.
    To anyone wondering to self publish or not give it a try.


  3. Sheena - I look forward to hearing more about the book.

    Yvonne - I haven't tried the self-pub route yet, but I keep thinking about it. Especially each time I receive a rejection. ! ;-)

  4. I'm getting ready to query my latest book.
