
Sunday, May 26, 2013

Honor our Veterans

In his Memorial Day message, Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric K. Shinseki quotes Civil War-era orator, Robert Green Ingersoll:

They died for liberty--they died for us. They are at rest.

They sleep in the land they made free, under the flag they rendered stainless ... Earth may run red with other wars, but they are at peace.

In the midst of battles, in the roar of conflict, they found the serenity of death.

Have you ever written a message to or for a Veteran? Do you know someone to whom you could write a letter of thanks?


  1. Just about every year I plagiarize a message to veterans

  2. As my poem says 2 years ago I was in Washington DC on Memorial Day, we also visited Arlington Cemetery ,it was a moment I will never forget seeing all those crosses, flowers and flags. indeed awesome.


  3. I get all verklempt when I think about the sacrifices made and the young men and women today willing to put their life on the line for what they belive in. Thanks for this post.

    I just wrote one for the first time actually. :)
    One of my high school friends did a tour in Iraq and Afghanistan, and I sent him packages. We were emailing each other most days about whatever silly thing we were thinking about that day. I knew I was doing something "important", but I also had a hard time thinking of it that way because joking over Taco Bell sauce hardly seems like it can be described in a profound way.

  5. Heading to our small town's tribute in an hour. I look forward each year to its somber celebration of those who have died for our country and those who continue to serve.

  6. I do, I think I'll call him right now. Thanks for this post.
