
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Overcoming Challenges

Chicken Soup for the Soul is looking for submissions to a new book about overcoming challenges.

“Life is filled with challenges. We have all gone through trying times and have had to overcome difficult situations. We would like to know what challenges you have faced in your life and what you did to overcome them. Are you recovering from health problems, financial difficulties or the loss of a loved one? What changes did you make to help you cope with these issues and turn negative into positive? Your stories will give our readers inspiration and insight into how others are coping and let them know that there is hope even in adversity. The deadline for story and poem submissions is October 31, 2013.”
For more information or to submit:


  1. Overcoming challenges (and conflict)in our own lives helps us to be better writers :-)

  2. I've had a few major challenges in my life - Thanks for posting this.

  3. I think they also have on for Mothers due June 30th.

  4. Thank you for the heads up. Please take a momemt to stop by my blog today. I have a special request. My blog is dedicated to Martin who died in Monday's bombing in Boston.

  5. Thanks for the heads up on opportunities.

  6. Very cool! Thanks for posting =)

  7. Thanks for the info. I'm a Type 1 diabetic with 3 special-needs grandchildren. Overcoming challenges has been my life's story.
    Kathy @ Swagger Writers

  8. Oh, what a great idea for a book - thanks so much for sharing, I'm going to check it out. I think most people have overcome *something* in their lives, and the experience is usually positive in most cases.

  9. Submitting a piece to the next Chicken Soup book is a challenge which I do not think I will overcome. Though I have overcome lots of others. As have most people.

    Blessings and Bear hugs!
    Bears Noting

  10. Hello Sylvia, so happy to meet you!

    Thank you, first off, for commenting on my post and introducing yourself. I've met so many new and wonderful writers this month it's just astounding!

    Secondly, thanks for sharing this writing opportunity with all of us. I will certainly chek it out!

    See you soon!


  11. Great post, I'm all for being positive after a spell of negativity.
    I named my first poetry book Negative V. Positive.

    Thanks for coming by and joining my followers. Much appreciated.
    Pleased to meet you.


  12. Great post, Sylvia!
    Returning your visit :)
    Donna from Lost and Found!

  13. My first visit and will check some of your earlier posts, too! Thanks for posting this opportunity! Very helpful. Now I have to think...adversities in my life?

  14. 4 years ago my Mother was dying. she was in the ICU almost 7 weeks, a short period of time she made it to another floor. The up and down emotionally was very difficult. I did a lot of knitting and crocheting as I sat by her bed. She suffered so much trying to stay alive.


  15. Great post. I think we all could submit a article. No one goes though life without dealing with a serious challenge or two. I'm visiting from the A to Z challenge and will be back!
