
Thursday, January 31, 2013

Speaking Engagement

I'll be speaking at this weekends Bayou Writers Group meeting if you feel like visiting:

BWG and Texas Gulf Coast Writers are both wonderfully supportive and knowledgable groups with everything from beginning writers to multipublished in multi genres. Attendees include middle school students to members in their eighties and everything in between.

To learn more about TGCW:

Do you belong to a suppot group of some kind - critique, writers, or readers groups?


  1. I belong to Florida Writer's Association. Have fun speaking.

    Hugs and chocolate,

  2. Wishing you the best at your speaking engagement.

    I currently am in floating by but have my eyes and ears open for a writing group of interest nearby that I hope to join.

  3. Another chance to share your ideas with others writers. A sign that your colleagues think you have something worthwhile to say.

    No support group, and not much writing. But it's winter, and, as I'm a Bear, I'm hibernating — instead of writing. See you in the spring!

  4. Just popped in to say Hi! I'm a near neighbour in AtoZ. Looking forward to getting to know you. I'm in a new writers group that's forming locally. Only 3 of us so far.. nice and personal.

  5. Hope you enjoyed the meeting! I was lucky enough to find a great writing studio right in my backyard. It's been wonderful!
