
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A Writer's Resolutions

New Year’s Resolutions - we hear about them every year. It’s always a good idea to write out your life goals, but have you put down your writing goals?

Some writer goals may include daily word counts, monthly submission ambitions, markets to tackle or even research to complete. No matter what level you consider yourself (beginner or professional) here are four matters to attend to this year.

     1)      Talent – the size of your writing gift doesn’t matter. You can always learn or improve. If you’re a beginner, you are probably overwhelmed about where to begin. Whether this is true or you’re a more advanced author, I suggest reading or revisiting both Stephen King’s On Writing and Anne Lamott’s Bird by Bird. These two books are as much biographical and philosophical as they are lessons for the writer.

2)       Agent – Make this the year you get an agent. Research which ones represent your favorite authors – this can usually be found in the acknowledgments sections of the book, but you can also find out on the internet. Use search sites such as , , and to read reviews of agents in your genre. PLEASE be sure to examine an agents personal website and submission guidelines before you contact them.

3)      Publisher – Whether you have chosen the self-publishing route or not, it’s always a good idea to attempt traditional publishers. More and more authors and agents are suggesting you publish both routes.

4)      Platform – An agent or publisher wants to see you can market and sell yourself before they put any of their own work and money into you. It’s about visibility and requires a focus on developing an unobstructed back and forth between authors and their readers, with the authors — not the publishers — controlling the flow. So get on facebook, twitter, pinterest, LinkedIn, get a blog or a website or do a combination.

As with everything else in life, you’ll need to find a balance for your time. And remember, even the best writers have days when their resolutions flounder. Each day is a new beginning – make them count. Happy New Year!

What are your resolutions?


  1. I liked how you ended the post. Yes. We do flounder sometimes.

    Happy New Year!

    Hugs and chocolate,

  2. Encouraging post! Very practical advice.

    I resolve to submit to agents this year. I did last year to no avail, but will keep trying. My word for this year is: ENDURANCE.


  3. Bird by Bird and On Writing are two of my favorite. I also love Annie Dillards, The Writing Life and one of my very favorite gems, written in 1938 is If You Want To Write by Brenda Ueland.

  4. I've revised my goals for this year, and this is the year I focus on the writing.

    Also the agenting and small presses. Happy 2013!

  5. Happy New Year! These are great suggestions. I plan to simply keep on writing and reading in 2013, and to grow in both as much as I can. :)

  6. Hi
    I'm glad to have found your blog!
    Happy New Year to you too.
    Get myself organised, that's my resolution :/

  7. Good goals, and good tips! Thanks. Glad I found your blog.

    This year my goal is to finish a good, if early, draft of book two in my middle grade mystery series set in Victorian London. (An agent is submitting book one to publishers, and I want to have the next book at the ready, so to speak.)
