
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Opportunities for Writers

During the "A to Z" challenge, I missed sharing some information with you. First, if you have time, Southern Writer's magazine published one of my articles for the week of Shakespeare's birthday. You can find it here. 
Below are three opportunities for writers. If you know of any others, please share in the comments below or shoot me an email. Happy Writing!

1) Military Stories - Share with the public any short stories you may have with a humorous and/or enlightening experience in military life. These stories will be published by Publisher’s Syndicate of California in an anthology titled Not Your Mother’s Books: Military Life. Consisting of real-life stories written by individuals 18 years and older, the Not Your Mother’s Books series is tailored for a mature-audience readership; stories may contain language and situations akin to a PG-13 or TV-14 rating. While not all stories will fall into this rating system, the series will not focus on death/dying, cry-your-eyes out sad selections, but only hip, fun, modern and very-much-today type stories that will entertain our readers. We are looking for short stories (500 to 2500 words) from veterans, active members of the military and military family members who have the kinds of fun and interesting tales about the side of the military life that most civilians will never hear, but would certainly appreciate if they did. Tell us about those special actions or programs that helped a local family or community or one of your own, whether in a war zone, an overseas base or back in the States. We need stories about the lessons learned when you went out of your way to do good. And the joke you played on a comrade-in-arms (or that were played on you) that he or she also laughed at. While military history is important, it's not the focus of this book, so please do not submit detailed accounts of military operations and campaigns. Compensation and submission guidelines are on the web site with other important information at

Once on the web site click on GET PUBLISHED in Box 1. Then click on Submit your stories for Not Your Mother’s Books. Be sure to read and follow the submission guidelines as well as the do's and don’ts, hyperlinked in the guidelines. All entries must be submitted through their site electronically. Also on the guidelines page, please note the book cover Not Your Mother’s Books: Military Life in the right hand column. In the left column is a listing of other book titles asking for submissions. If they don’t have a military story, perhaps one of the other titles is more to their liking.

2) Inspirational - is collecting inspirational stories from everyday people. If your submission is chosen as a feature, you can reference your blog or web page and include an author's photo. Please know they make no money from this site. You can submit a story about any moment, small or large, that you feel inspired you or perhaps couldn't forget...something that made you thankful or changed your perspective.
Submit something that comes from your heart.

3) Local Library - Many libraries are looking for speakers and writers to help with summer programs. Audiences would include both children, teen and adult programs. If you are interested, please contact your local librarian.


  1. Congrats on the publication. That was so well written. Shakespeare really does stand the test of time. I've used Hamlet in my current YA. But then I've always enjoyed Shakespeare's work.

  2. Congrats--and thanks for the links!

  3. Oh, I'll be all over that military writing thing. I think I have a story or two to tell.
    And I can make them PG-13.
    Well, not ALL of them. But, most.
    I have a couple of 'G' rated ones, too.

  4. I so enjoyed your post about Shakespeare. Good job.

  5. Thank you Sylvia for these useful links. Your Shakespeare post was great.


  6. As always, excellent post. Thanks for the link opportunities.

  7. Hey Sylvia,
    Thanks for those good ideas. Enjoying your blog, thanks for stopping by mine. Glad to have made a A-Z friend connection.

  8. I always appreciate story call-outs, Sylvia.
    Congrats on the article publication. Another feather for your hat!
