
Sunday, May 27, 2012

Not Another Social Media!

I recently joined Pinterest after reading this article by author Jody Hedlund; a writer I greatly admire. I also read this article by agent Rachelle Gardner. If you have not read these articles, or researched this medium, here are just a few reasons you might want to consider joining Pinterest:
1)                  This infographic by TalkingFinger shows how important Pinterest is becoming:

• It has 1.36 million users DAILY.
• It generates more traffic to websites than Google+, LinkedIn, and YouTube combined.
• There is a 145% daily user increase since the beginning of 2012.
• Over one-fifth of connected Facebook users are on Pinterest daily (which amounts to over 2 million people).
And here's another insightful infographic: Interest in Pinterest Reaches a Fever Pitch.
2) Pinterest provides key visual stimuli. A recent study shows that Pinterest drives more revenue per click than Twitter or Facebook.
3) Pinterest puts us into contact with more people than our followers. Every time you pin something that is “categorized” it will show up in that particular category under the “Everything” list which anyone can access. That means your pin has the potential to reach more than your followers.
4) Pinterest allows us to connect with readers in a unique way. On Pinterest, readers will get a better picture of my interests as well as my works. My boards display my love of reading, writing, creating, teaching, beauty and chocolate. I invite you to stop by and see what all the fuss is about.
(You need an invitation to join so ask a friend or colleague who is already a member).
Are you using pinterest? Why or why not? What are your tips for using this media?


  1. I've been on Pinterest for a few months. When I started out, I repinned almost everything that caught my eye, but after noticing how many images don't link back to the proper site, I started hitting "like" instead. That way, I can track them down later when I have more time.

    Unfortunately, I now have more "likes" than pins. I slacked off on tracking them down and need to do another batch or two.

  2. Pinterest, much like Facebook is a huge time waster for me. That said, I'm on them both. They both have their merits - obviously - but I think they, as with everything in life, should be done in moderation.
    Great post.

  3. I went to Books a Million today and bought Pinterest for Dummies. We'll see what happens.

  4. I'm not sure I need something else to keep up with. I'm losing sleep on blogs as I type! I'm sure you've had this before, but I'm giving you the Kreative Blogger award. You can see what it's about at my site.
    See you Saturday!

  5. You've won a Kreativ Blogger Award

  6. I just joined Pinterest, too! I didn't know the stats, but I just love the visuals--pretty pics, inspiring photos, etc. It's been fun so far, and gives me ideas for new stories. :)
