
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The Madness of March

Yes, there is definite madness brewing this month. I may have too many irons in the fire, but I haven’t slowed down yet.
First, I took on a lot of responsibilities this year with one of my writer’s groups: I became a board member, conference planning member, fundraising committee member, the newsletter editor, the blog editor/administrator, and the facebook administrator for this group. Don’t get me wrong, I’m having a blast, but once I get going, I can’t seem to stop!
Somehow, I still want to manage my personal blog (thank you for stopping by and reading ;-), continue learning and tutoring, prepare for the “A to Z” blog challenge, write and submit. If you are working on your own submissions, consider:

BIRDS AND BLOOM BACKYARD BLUNDER CONTEST - NO ENTRY FEE - Do you have a funny birding or gardening story to share from your backyard? We want to hear it! Send us your best "backyard blunder," and the winning story will receive $500. To enter, email your true story (no more than 400 words) to Please put "backyard blunder contest" in the subject line. Deadline March 15, 2012.
KANSAS CITY VOICES We publish an annual eclectic mix of fiction, essays, interviews, articles, poetry, and art. We seek exceptional written and visual creations from established and emerging voices. The magazine is published in November of each year. Deadline March 15, 2012. There is no need for submissions to relate to Kansas City or the Midwest. Prose limited to 2,500 words. Poems limited to 35 lines. Payment for each published poem will be $20 and one free copy of the magazine. In the sole discretion of the publisher, one poem may receive a "Best of Prose" award in the amount of $100. Payment for each published prose piece will be $30 and one free copy of the magazine. In the sole discretion of the publisher, one prose piece may receive a "Best of Prose" award in the amount of $100.
THE BINNACLE ULTRA-SHORT COMPETITION - - NO ENTRY FEE - We are looking for prose works of 150 words or fewer and poetry of sixteen lines or fewer and fewer than 150 words. All works should have a narrative element to them. A minimum of $300 in cash prizes will be awarded, with a minimum prize of $50. At least one of the prizes will go to a UMM student. Please submit no more than two works total, prose and/or poetry. Deadline March 15, 2012.

SILVER BOOMER BOOKS ANTHOLOGY Silver Boomer Books seeks your stories, poems, essays and interviews dealing with widowhood. As always, we're looking for quality over quantity and actually favor shorter works, especially shorter poetry. Projected release date for the anthology is October, 2012. We need your submissions until March 30, 2012, and will let you know in August if your work is selected for inclusion. Pays $5 for poetry and $10 for fiction.

FINAL CHAPTERS WRITING ABOUT THE END OF LIFE COMPETITION - NO ENTRY FEE - Open to all. Limit 2,500 words of prose or 40 lines of poetry. Must be in English. Dying Matters Coalition is running a new creative writing competition about dying, death and bereavement. Anyone touched by dying, whether directly or as a relative, friend, colleague or caregiver, can enter. 1st: £200; 2nd: £100; 3rd: £50; plus highly commended certificates. All entries will also be considered for publication online or in print form. Deadline March 31, 2012.
NIGHTWRITERS WRITING CONTEST - .750 WORD SHORT STORY or 40 LINE POETRY. Entries must be based on the theme: F ORGIV ENESS. Deadline: All contest entries must be received no later than March 31, 2012. – Check my blog folder for adobe contest flyer.

What are you working to complete?
P.S. I’m also planning a Dr. Seuss themed birthday party!


  1. I've tagged you at my blog. C'mon by!

  2. I'm feeling a little guilty because all I have to do is run my cabinet business by day and make sure my wife has something to eat when she gets home in the evening. Ohhh, there is that book promoting thing. So far, I'm not sure what i'm doing, but I'm having fun at it. I've said this before, but you're doing a great job with the BWG 'stuff'. Thanks

  3. Trying to get posts done for A to Z. I need to start looking into things like the contests you've listed. This is a good service for you to provide readers.

    A Faraway View
    An A to Z Co-host blog
    Twitter: @AprilA2Z

  4. Jan - I know, I'm such a slacker!

    James - Thank you for the vote of confidence ;-)

    Arlee - Thank you. I'm excited about the "A to Z" challenge, but I haven't decided for sure what I want to post - too many ideas!

  5. You're doing a great job! Make it work to your advantage.

  6. Great post!! I just finished a sewing class and like you, am working on this A-Z Blog Challenge :) I was just thinking this morning that I seem to have a bunch of challenges in my life right now - I'm trying to meet them all head on and succeed with them :)
