
Friday, February 3, 2012

1000 Words of Love Contest

They say love is priceless. Here is your chance to prove (or disprove) it in 1,000 words or less. I cannot offer payment at this time, but the winning story (in 1,000 words or less and with a theme of love) will be printed in a future post on this blog.

This makes a great writing exercise and provides another listing on your resume'. 
Submission Guidelines:
1.) I am open to most genres as long as the main focus of the story is based on love. You may submit fiction or nonfiction. Ex. Love of family, love of reading, romance, unrequited love, Why I hate Valentines etc.

2.) Please, NO erotica, graphic language or scenes; No gratuitous sex scenes or shock-effect vulgarity. Nothing "X" rated. Any stories with these qualities will be disqualified. I reserve the right to edit (with your final approval) before posting the winning story.

3.) Send as a Word Document or RTF attachment – if neither of these is possible, you may submit in the body of the email.

4.) This must be an original story and previously unpublished. You will retain the rights to your story.

5.) Must be 1,000 words or less.

6.) Send submission to with the subject line “1000 Words of Love Contest".

7.) Include your title and byline/writing as name below title.

8.) Include a short (2-4 sentences) biography, written in the third person, following your story. This will run with your story (if selected for publication). You may include your personal web or blog address if you wish.

9.) Please send only ONE submission. Subsequent submissions will be discarded. Be sure you are finished with your story before you submit it.

10.) I will send a short reply to let you know I have successfully received your story. If you don't receive a reply within 24 hours of submitting, please try again.

11.) I will NOT offer individual feedback or critiques on your submissions at this time.

The contest runs from today until February 13, 2012. I will accept any entries that are dated February 13. I will announce the winner by February 15, and publish the winning piece as soon as the author is happy with any necessary edits. If you have any questions, please leave them in a comment below or send them to the email address above.

Good luck and Happy Writing!


  1. What a great idea!

  2. This sounds, um, intriguing. Not that a Bear knows much about love or romance. But Bear is always ready to consider anything. Count me in. If that's not too strange, having a Bear try to be an author.

  3. Gave you an award. Pop on over to my blog and check out details. Congrats!!

  4. Rob-bear - That's not strange at all. I'll bet a bear would have some wonderful stories to share ;-)

    Rebecca - I'm on my way over to check it out.

  5. Hi Sylvia. I came too late to the party, the door is closed. I missed this! Should be great. I'll be watching for the winner.

