
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Last Chance for 2011 Submissions

A few last submission opportunities for 2011:

NO ENTRY FEE - The Missouri Warrior Writers Project, in partnership with the Missouri Humanities Council, is pleased to announce a contest and call for submissions for its national anthology of writing by veterans and active military service personnel of Afghanistan and Iraq about their wartime experience. This experience includes deployments and those who have never been deployed. Transition back into civilian life
is also a topic of interest for this anthology. The contest will award $250 each to the top entries in poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction. All entries will be considered for publication in the anthology. Prose limited to 5,000 words. Poetry limited to three poems or five pages. Deadline December 30, 2011. (NOTE: nothing said about applicants being from Missouri.)
Canada's magazine of exquisite writing. Submission deadline December 31. Prose limit 3,000 words to include fiction, nonfiction and plays. Poetry limited to 2-5 poems, any style. Each poem limited to a max of six pages. Pays $10 per printed page up to $100.
NO ENTRY FEE  - Award $2,500 in total prizes, including the $1,000 cash grand prize. 10 Merit Award Winners will receive $150 Franklin-Christoph writing instruments. Deadline December 31, 2011. Original, unpublished poem of any theme. Limit of two entries per contestant. Entries should not exceed 100 lines each.
4.)    Finding My Faith – A Chicken Soup for the Soul publication:
Whether we consider ourselves to be Protestant, Catholic, Jewish, Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu or any other religion, our belief in a higher power directs our lives and our thoughts. Everyone's "faith story" is different. Some of us find faith late in life. Others lose their faith after a tragic event or spiritual dry spell, only to rediscover it through a divine nudge. Faith can appear quickly or build up over time. It can hit us like a sledgehammer or whisper in our ear. It can show up in a miracle or in an ordinary event. However faith arrives, it is life-changing and powerful. If you have an inspirational personal story of finding your faith, we want to hear from you! The deadline date for story and poem submissions is December 31, 2011.
NO ENTRY FEE - You are asked to write a poem of no more than 30 lines about family relationships. You can write in English or Dutch. We are looking for poems that look at one's relatives in an original way; we are especially interested in poems that use a personal experience to create general empathy. The author of the winning poem will receive £100 plus the winning poem will be published in our online magazine.
Because we invite entries in Dutch and English, two poems will be awarded the first prize, one English and one Dutch poem. For the benefit of our English readers the winning Dutch poem will be translated into English and published in both languages in our magazine. Limit 30 lines. Deadline December 31, 2011.