
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Author Interview: Elisa Hirsch

Elisa Hirsch, author of The Golden Sky which releases this week, has graciously agreed to give away a copy. This book is a journal she began at the age on nineteen when she had a baby and another on the way. Her second child struggled to overcome many health obstacles. Elisa lost this child and soon after separated from her husband. This journal is an honest look at how one woman struggled with her faith, family and the strength to continue after extreme loss.
To enter for a chance to win a copy of this extremely moving tale:
A)    Become a follower of this blog if you are not already.
B)    Leave a comment with your email.
C)    Check back on November 17 to read my review of this tale and see if you’ve won.

1) How did you develop an interest in writing? I first started writing in fifth grade. My hamster, Harriet Hop-n-stop, got stuck in the ventilation system, and after my brother saved her, I decided it was an epic tale of love and hope.  Being the little rascal I was, I named it “A Daring Tail.”  (Not the most original--I know--but still a fun memory.)
2) Please tell me a little about your blog. I’ve been blogging at since January 2011.  I started blogging on a dare because one of my best friends didn’t think I’d be able to write an entertaining, funny, embarrassing, or sad story each day for a year straight.  So far, she’s lost the bet, and I might get a free lunch next year; all I can say is it better be Mexican.
3) What styles or genres do you write? I write non-fiction (memoirs) as well as YA and MG fantasy.  Two of my short stories will be published in a Christmas book called “Christmas Lites” that is coming out this December. 
4) Is this a hobby or do you plan to make a career of writing? Writing started out as a hobby eight years ago, but now I’ve quit my clothing business (which I owned and operated for five years).  I have since decided to pursue a career in writing, and try helping families who have suffered from the loss of a loved one.
5) What do you do when you have writer's block? When I have writer’s block, I drink strong coffee, listen to loud music and read the part of my memoirs that were hardest to share.  Somehow reliving the good times (or the bad times) brings my emotions to the surface and I find it easy to write again.
6) How long did it take you to write your current MS? “The Golden Sky” is my journal from nine years ago.  It was the hardest time of my life.  It took me six years to re-read it and two more years to revise.  But the novel is raw and real; it came from my soul and I think that’s part of what makes it priceless to me. I was a nineteen-year-old with a baby and another child on the way.  When my son died, I started the journey of a lifetime and that shows through every page.
7) What is your writing process like? I write every morning. I make sure to get up at 5 am, otherwise my four kids make it impossible to write. My son hides papers in the vents and my girls try dancing in my peripheral vision.
8) Do you have an editor or agent? I have two editors and they are absolutely amazing. One helps with plots and the other helps with grammar. I am so thankful to know both of them.
9) Would you care to share your opening paragraph (hook) with us?
Being pregnant isn't the greatest thing since sliced bread. On the days I don't feel like I have Alzheimer's, I'm like Hercules journeying from Hell. Here I am at the age of nineteen, with a seven-month-old girl and another kid on the way.


  1. What a brave story to share! I would love to get the chance to read this!

    jennimerritt.writing (at) gmail (dot) com

  2. I just shared this on google, twitter and facebook :) Thank you.

  3. Wow! I had daughter number one at 19.

  4. Wow, writing with 4 kids! You must be driven--even without the strong coffee!

    There's a very popular kids series now told from the POV of a hamster :)

    Best of luck with your writing!

  5. An amazing journey - and an amazing woman!

  6. Great interview, luckily I don't have to get up at 5am to write..haha

  7. My son takes over my keyboard if I try to write while he's awake. He has a pretend blog. And my older two only seem to need me when I'm writing.

    I didn't realize you were so young when you lost your son.

  8. What a great interview. Plenty of humor and optimism. You go, Elisa! Keep up the great work. :D

  9. Only 2 more days until THE GOLDEN SKY is released--can't wait!!

  10. a beautiful sure the golden sky will be a hit esp among those who've lost their loved ones:)

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