
Monday, August 15, 2011

Wonderland Giveaway

Welcome to the “Wonderland Giveaway” Blogfest. I have been gifted with so much from my blogging friends in the last ten months. I want you to get something as well. I am offering several prizes:
-   I will give away ONE copy of the Chicken Soup: Just for Preteens book in which my story “Feeding the Soul” appears.
-   I will critique (free of charge) any 1000 words of choice for two lucky winners.
The rules are simple:
1. You must add yourself as a follower of this blog if you are not already.
2. Leave a comment telling me which prize you want. Comments must be left by August 21 to qualify.
3. Earn extra entries by posting an announcement/link to this contest on your own website, blog, twitter, facebook etc. and leave me a link in the comments below. One entry for EACH announcement/link.
4. Winners will be announced by August 25.
Isn’t that easy?
More than a dozen authors/artists have joined me in this celebration. Each one has their own giveaway rules so be sure to read them carefully. To see what they are offering...


  1. Thanks for hosting such a fun contest, Sylvia. I am honored to participate in the celebration of 400 followers!
    I will be the first to enter. I can always use feedback on writing, so I will make that my entry.
    I will tweet your blogfest right now @narrawriter.
    Have a great day!!!

  2. I think I'm already a follower, Sylvia, but can't doublecheck as Blogger is not showing the Follower pictures or links.
    If I win, I'd like a copy of your book for my friend's preteen granddaughter.
    I've already posted the link onj FB (my own page and in the three groups I belong to) plus Twitter plus on my own blog of course.

  3. I was glad to learn about your Wonderland Giveaway on Ann Best's blog. Her memoir, In the Mirror, is phenomenal, and I'm delighted to see it as part of the round up.

  4. It really irritates me that I can't leave a comment on your blog so I'm trying one more time before I start pulling hair. Mine, not yours. :-)

  5. I'lltake the crtique, Sylvia, and I think I'm a follower but I'll double check!

  6. I've been following along for a wile, Sylvia, so I'm a "follower." But I don't see my ursine visage with the rest of the individuals who keep up with your activities. So, I'll fix that.
    Actually, I don't want anything. I have a stack of unread books, and nothing ready to critique (except my blogs, which are almost on the level of "stream of consciousness").
    I hope you're having a wonderful day!

  7. Just stopping by again to say you have all the three things you asked for at my blog! Get in touch and we'll figure out a way to organize everything :) Thanks for organizing such a wonderful blogfest.

  8. You asked me if there was a topic I preferred for a guest post from you. I'm low maintenance (as Stephen Tremp would say). But I'm thinking of putting together some questions for guest bloggers. My mentor for this is Patricia Stoltey. Give me a week or so to put this together, and then I'll get back to you.
    Ann Best, Author of In the Mirror, A Memoir of Shattered Secrets

  9. I hope everyone is enjoying the blogfest! Sorry I have not responded or visited blogs much lately. I'm enjoying an ear and throat infection my daughters were kind enough to share! ;-)

    Paula, Damyant and Rob-bear - yes, you are a follower. The list keeps disappearing whenever google runs maintenance.

    Jess - Congrats on finally leaving a comment, I think blogger has been doing some maintenance again.

    Damyanti and Ann - I would be honored to do a blog post for you. Give me a few days to get over being sick so I can give you my full attention!

    Happy writing!

  10. Thanks for doing this, it's a great idea! I'm in. Nice to meet you and of course I'm a new follower now!

  11. What a fun contest. I would love to read where your story appears. :D

  12. I've just added you to my blogroll on Lorelei's Muse

    I can tweet this @loreleibell

    And I'll share my mention of this on my post tomorrow. Tonight was Hunks Thursday, so I had to address that important issue, of course.

    I'd like a critique, please. Thanks for this. Hope you feel better soon, Sylvia!

  13. I would love to win both the book and a critique, but if I only get one, I'll choose the book. I can't wait to read your story!

  14. Thanks for the heads up on your giveaway! I'll toss my luck in for the critique.

  15. What a lovely idea. That book looks fascinating but my work can always benefit from a critique too. Sorry to hear about the ear infection. Get well soon.
