
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Author Interview: Patti Corbello Archer

Patti Corbello Archer is a native of Lake Charles, Louisiana. She is a mother and grandmother as well as a Christian Inspirational Writer & Storyteller.

You can learn more about her by reading the interview below or visiting her blog:

1) How did you develop an interest in writing?
I was always an avid reader, but didn't actually compile a personal writing project until I joined the high school newspaper group in 1975. Then it wasn't until 2002 that I began writing creative scripture fiction stories - after a particularly inspiring season with healing and deliverance.  That was the open door...after that I began writing for gifts, for church projects, or simply for the creative aspect of it.  Each year for Christmas I send out an inspirational Christmas story or letter to all that I know. It has replaced Christmas cards for me and everyone looks forward to "their story".

2) Tell me a little about your blog - address, how long you've been blogging etc.
I began actively blogging in April 2011 - with a specific subject strategy. My goal is for inspirational touch, inspire and encourage the Body of Christ. I plan to do a subject specific blog each month. I have a list of ideas I am excited about!

3) I see you are working on a MS. Please tell me a little about it.
My main writing project that I would like to publish is a teaching/inspirational devotional...extremely interactive of course with lots of stories to make it well as show that Jesus is not just accessible but personal. My second writing project will be a bible study that I plan to publish in an undetermined as of yet manner.

4) What other styles do you write - genre novels, poetry, articles, memoirs etc.
I would like to try using my writing gift for Christian screenplays and dramas - as well as possible gift items. I don't want to just write for the sake of writing, I want to SHOW them something with the words.

5) Is this a hobby or do you plan to make a career from writing?
I plan for writing to be my personal mission.  God gave me the gift to write. I give it back to Him!

6) What authors do you admire?
Beth Moore, T.D. Jakes, Myles Munroe, Tommy Tenney for Christian issues. Mary Higgins Clark for mystery. Nicholas Sparks for drama.

7) What music, places, people inspire you?
Inspiration...hmmm...I would say Christian music, romantic music, the majestic mystery of nature, world disasters, stories of honor and integrity probably......really just things that touch my heart. I usually have a specific writing purpose and don't look for inspiration in things around me.

8) What do you do when you have writer's block?
Get up from the keyboard and meditate on the God-point of it all.

9) Have you submitted anything yet? Even a letter to an editor, written for high school publications, other blogs etc?
Yes, as shared earlier, I have written for my high school newspaper. I have also written and taught on a bible study that I wrote - no publication - but was used for public classes. 

10) How long did it take you to write your current MS?
It is a compilation of years of heart moments and God-moments.

11) Are you part of a critique group or writer's guild?
No, I am a member of the Bayou Writer's Group - my work hours don't allow for participation in the critique group. However, I have taken a fictional writing class that included critique discussion.

12) Have you ever attended a writer's conference?
Yes, I have! I attended the Bayou Writer's Group conference in 2010. I plan to attend many more! I was inspired to step out of my house with writing personally or for church only and go for my dreams.

13) When working on your current MS did you complete an outline first or did you just start writing?
As the devotional is a compilation of years of writing stories and teaching messages, I just started mapping out the plan of placing them in "strategic message" order. 

14) What is your writing process like? Certain hours that you find more productive, a routine, a set amount of time or a number of pages you make yourself write everyday etc.
I write around my work and family schedule. My blog postings are nightly through the end of each subject. It takes me approximately one hour per page for meditating and planning on the creative message aspect and the proofing. I normally do a 3 page post each night. So, I have to allow quite a bit of time after work - and stay structured to task.

15) Would you care to share your opening paragraph (hook) with us?
Since my first publication will be a compilation, you are all welcome to pull from my blog postings.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful to meet the beautiful and inspiring, Patti. Thanks :)
