
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

How many hats are you wearing today?

The struggle of being the perfect stay-at-home mom, freelance writer/photographer/editor, volunteer "whatever is needed that week" can become mind boggling and draining on anyone. For me, housework usually takes the back seat and we may hit the drive-thru more often than I cook that week.

Today, I realized many of the deadlines I've been hoping to meet are in the next week. I need a moment to step back and assess what's most important.

First, my family. I have two beautiful girls growing more quickly than I would like. Why can't they stay cute, innocent, cherubic toddlers?

So, as I head out the door to take them to the library, I take a deep breath. I'm prepared to let go of some of my load. I realize it doesn't matter if I don't make every publication I wanted. I made time for my angels. No one else may remember that, but they will.

What do you let slide when you take on too much? What are you unwilling to sacrifice?


  1. I let housework slide, which drives my husband nuts. Who are we kidding, I can't really blame him. If I were in his shoes, it would drive me crazy too.

  2. Oh, the chores are neglected much too much. (Hello stack of dishes in the sink... again...) And there have been times, I must admit, when I shoo away my kiddos more than I should. Finding this elusive balance is a lot harder than I thought it would be... but we are all getting there, right?

  3. The housework definitely comes last. Your post definitely resonates with me today. Thanks. :)

  4. I've had a few tough deadlines lately. The housework is the first to go. Then the cooking. I've actually discovered my husband CAN cook if he gets hungry enough. The poor dog hasn't had a walk in months, but luckily she has a nice big yard. :/

  5. Thats always a mother's worry, which u have about ur children..nice post..

  6. My family is at the tip-top, always, and then my writing. Everything else filters in around those two priorities. That means the housework often slides...but my husband helps, and my 17-year-old daughter has set chores every week. It really is tough to fit everything in, though.

  7. I am not alone! Yay! the dust bunnies are multiplying at my house and my dog is getting fat for lack of exercise...I hate being the bad guy asking my house full of boys to help but we all pitch in. I'd skip dinner if I could but I usually give in and feed them =)

  8. Kids grow up so fast. Looking back it seemed like just a few moments from when I was taking a photo of my eldest on her first day at school, aged 5, to the day she left high school. And now she's in her mid-twenties and married. Nothing is more important than spending time with your children while they are still children.

    And yes, housework and jobs around the house are the first things I neglect when things get busy and deadlines loom.

  9. It's amazing how many hats us women wear. I know the "maid" hat, so to speak, is the one that I tend to let slip the most.

  10. Sometimes it's hard for us to stand up for what is important (thinking, dreaming, imagining, creating, and finally putting it on the page...or canvas...or stage)when we have to let people down to do it. But do it, we must.

  11. I let housework slide....then I do a big catch up and my hubby is always pleased...then I let it slide again. LOL! I don't let my teenager daughter slide. I spend quite a bit of time with her after school and on the weekends. We stay up late watching scary movies and comedies...Every moment counts. She'll only be home for a few more years. :(

  12. Thanks for calling by the blog xx

  13. Alas, it's exercise.

    I see you're a member of GWTG. That was my first writers' conference a number of years ago and my first contest win.

  14. housework. these days my apartment looks like a mess. thank you for visiting my blog!

  15. I definitely let the housework slide!! The dust bunnies, don't usually get picked up until the drive me very crazy!! I must say that at times, the articles don't get done either, as the kids need attention! But it is all good! Love to know that others leave the housework too!!

  16. My dust bunnies in some areas of the house are dust monsters I'm afraid :-)
    Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm following you - love your blog name and the Walt Disney Quote. Also enjoyed your explanation of the "your" problem - it and the "there, their, & they're" problem are pet peeves of mine.

  17. Mostly the housework, something I'm not overly fond of anyways. I have 3 teen boys who are great about helping me out though. When I'm busy and haven't had time, they'll clean the whole house, which is truly wonderful to come home to. Time with my family is the most important and nothing else can ever compare to that. I put that at the top of my list.
    Have a wonderful Mother's Day with your girls.
    Great post! I think some days, we should take off all of our hats and just be us.
