
Saturday, May 14, 2011

Google Glitch

Thanks to the Google/Blog glitch, I’m still missing a post as well as quite a few comments. Oh, well. C'est la vie…
You have less than twenty-four hours left to vote in the genre poll and I’m not entirely sure how accurate the results will be due to the glitch. The numbers and results kept changing, but it appears to be fairly equivalent to the comments I received.
I also received quite a few comments and questions about sub-genres including two I mentioned in my post last weekend - Steam punk and Wuxia.
Steam punk is a sub genre of science fiction set in an era or world where steam power is still widely used - usually the 19th century and often Victorian era Britain. It illustrates technology applications that could have been or might be invented in an alternate history. Think about the "Wild West" movie with Will Smith, Kevin Kline and Kenneth Brannaugh.
Wuxia is Chinese fiction about the adventures of martial artists. The hero is usually from lower class, bound by a code of chivalry requiring them to right wrongs, especially when the helpless or the poor are oppressed. Anyone a fan of Jackie Chan, Jet li, or Chow Yun Fat?
If you are interested in learning more about genres or sub-genres try:
Until next time, enjoy your weekend - hopefully with some beautiful weather, and Happy Writing!


  1. One wip is a sci/fi/fantasy mix. The other is myster/thriller. I went back and read some of your other posts, to catch up. With the many hats one, I let go of housework. It will still be there. The idea, the phone call, a moment with my husband laughing....they may not be. Your girls will remember the fun times to the library, not if the dishes were clean. They care about YOU! Great choice.

  2. There is a big "steam punk" convention out here in San Diego this weekend, I think. Didn't know much about it until your post. Thanks for the info!

  3. stinken blogger. Torked me off this week.

  4. The glitch put me behind. Stupid Google.

  5. The Sherlock Holmes movie with Robert Downey Jr. Is a great example of steampunk. Blogger seems to have thrown a lot of us!

  6. That glitch is the reason I haven't commented or posted in a while! *lol*

    I am really interested in Steam Punk. I only heard the term for the first time this year and I was fascinated by it!

  7. Love Jackie Chan. How interesting.

  8. Have heard of steam punk, but not read it and don't know much about it. Wuxia is new to me. Thanks for the info!

  9. Never heard of steam punk till your essay, sounds interesting. Thank You.

  10. Fun stuff, Sylvia! I like the idea of steampunk, but I'm not sure I'm up on the era or the technology enough to write it. But it looks cool... Don't forget Sucker-punch. That was probably the best, most recent example~

    And I'd never heard of Wuxia! Thanks! :o)

  11. I was wondering what wuxia was. Thank you.

  12. Cool. I know all kinds of stuff about steampunk (want to ride such a novel one day in fact) but Wuxia is new to me. Thanks for the heads up. I'll look into it.

    BTW, I'm giving you an award tomorrow on my blog, so please drop by if you have time! :)

  13. I have never heard of either of those before. I guess I need to check out the link and see what other genres I'm missing out on. Thanks! :)

  14. Seems I've been missing some good stuff. Haven't heard of Wuxia. Will check out the link.
