
Friday, April 22, 2011

Stephen King - Writer and Teacher

Stephen King is both a talented writer and teacher (his chosen vocation before becoming a famous author). Anyone interested either in him or becoming a writer should read his book On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft. This book is full of advice, humor, entertainment and inspiration.

I have often enjoyed his books, but more than that, I find him to be a very effective instructor who willingly shares his own tales of struggle and offers his advice to others. His interviews show him to be a man of remarkable intelligence and generosity – someone we can all learn from.

Who inspires you?


  1. Stephen King is a verbose (in the written form) storyteller who tells in 1,000 pages when 500 will do. Plus, his characters spout off colloquialisms which nobody really says.
    THAT BEING SAID, he is one of my favorite authors. With the exception of the Dark Tower books, I think I've read everything he has written.
    What's more, my style of writing fiction probably closely parallels his.
    So, I may be a hypocrite.

  2. I love Stephen King books (and movies). It's hard to put one of his books down once you start them. On a side note, I once dated a guy named Steven King, And joked about it many many times. =O)


  3. Stephen King is a legend!! I wasn't aware that he was a teacher before he took up writing full-time.

  4. My absolute all time favorite author. I love his books. I always wondered how he manages to come up with so many amazing stories. Truly a legend.

  5. I love his book On Writing. I honestly think every writer should read that book. I haven't read most of his other books though. I find I can't get into them.

  6. Yes, On Writing is considered a must-read for all writers. I really prefer his early work - especially The Shining and Carrie. They were spooky!

  7. I love On Writing and suggest it to every writer I know. It totally changed my outlook after years and years of writing. Amazing guy.

  8. Liked his book on writing, but can't read his books, too scary. My inspiration is Diana Wynn Jones, but then I write children's books. :0)

  9. I love his book On Writing. I agree with him that you need to write and read a lot. :)

  10. I am still waiting to find the person who really inspires me, but I think right now it would be JK Rowling. The fact that she was so close to the poorhouse, and is now a billionaire is pretty inspiring.

  11. I agree with everyone about Stephen King's book. I have so many post it notes in there you can't see anything anymore!

    I do like certain authors for specific things like Robert B. Parker for dialogue. He could write it with such wit and creativity, it was just like the authors of the 40's.

  12. My critique group, other bloggers,and new writers inspire me.

  13. Hi Sylvia ... who inspires me? Stephen King. Barbara Kingsolver, Jane Kirkpatrick and many, many more. I loved On Writing when I read it this past year!

    The top video cracked me up, because that is where I am at now...thinking that I can maybe do it. More and more ready each day, as I plug along with my other stuff.

    Thanks so much for posting these two clips; I am very glad that I got to watch them on your blog.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

    Kathy M.

  14. I'm finally returning your visit to my blog. Thanks for your comments.

    I think this may be a book worth getting. My son is an avid Stephen King fan but I've never read any of his books. On Writing may be a "must read."


  15. I just read The Colorado Kid a few weeks ago. My first time reading Stephen King, and I love to read as much as I love to write. What I enjoyed the most was his little note at the end. I will have to find that memoir. :D

  16. I'm returning a visit thanks to the April A - Z Blogging Challenge, and find a post about one of my favorite authors! Duh...winning! I found King's writing thanks to my eldest brother's then-girlfriend around 1979 - she introduced me to Salem's Lot, which she had checked out of the local library and finished in record time - I matched her speed at 12 - what a book! And I've been a Constant Reader ever since. On Writing is AMAZINGLY good - highly recommended! Thanks for your visit, and thanks for this post! Cheers!

  17. I found On Writing to be really inspirational too. A lot of writers inspire me, but so do music and plays too :-)
