
Sunday, March 27, 2011

Cast Your Vote and Awards

First, thank you Deirdra Eden - Coppel for the “Powerful Woman Writer” award and Jenni Merritt for the “One Lovely Blog” award. Both of these talented young women have wonderful stories and tips of their own to share and I encourage you to check out their blogs by clicking on their name.
The “Lovely Blog” award rules state I should pay it forward to other newly discovered bloggers. In all honesty, I have discovered so many great blogs in the last few months it would be impossible for me to name only a few. Instead, if you are a new blogger, I encourage you to accept this award by leaving a comment and a link below.
Now, I would like to ask for your vote. I am participating in the “A to Z” blogging challenge in April. Many fellow bloggers have already prepared their posts for the first few letters. Some have even completed more than half of the alphabet.
I thought I would let you vote on the topics I will cover. Below is a list of options for the first few letters. I would like you to review them and vote for the posts you want to see.
You can cast your votes either by leaving a comment below or emailing to tell me which topics you want. You may even suggest other topics if you don’t see one you like. The only rule (for my blog) is the topic must be reading, writing or publishing related.
I look forward to your choices. Happy Writing!
A – Action writing, Adjectives or Adverbs and their correct use (omitting unnecessary words), Agents, Anecdotes, Apostrophes and their correct use, Archetypes,  Assessing your writing, Atmosphere.
B – Backstory, Balance in your writing, Beginning a new story, Bios – writing your own or for someone else, Blog your book.
C – Catalyst, Catharsis, Chapterbooks, Characterization, Cliches, Climax, Comedy, Compression, Computer influence on the writer/reader, Conflict, Creativity tips, Crisis.
D – Dark Mentors, Demographics, Decision Points, Description, Details, Dialogue, Dreams.
E – Elevator Pitch, Enemies, Elixir, Emotions, Endings, Epilogues, Essays, Expectations, Exposition.


  1. votes are for:

    A - action writing
    B - beginning a new story
    C - either chapter books or creative tips
    D - dialogue
    E - essays

    Hope that helps. I am interested in seeing what others vote for.

  2. My votes would have to be...

    A - Agents
    B - Backstory
    C - Creativity tips... or Climax
    D - Dialogue!
    E - Endings

    Happy you enjoyed the reward! And congrats on getting the Powerful Woman award as well!

  3. Okay my vote
    A- Adverbs
    B- Beginning a new story
    C- Creativity tips or Comedy
    D- Dialogue
    E- Endings.

    Love the awards The Powerful Woman Writer is beautiful.

  4. Voting for:
    A. Adjectives & adverbs, etc.
    B. Balance
    C. Characterization
    D. Description
    E. Emotions
