
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Are You Ready for the Blogging From A to Z April Challenge?

I know some of you are participating because I’ve seen the badge on your blog. Some of you may still be debating whether you are willing to commit that much to a blogfest – “a one day challenge is fine, but an entire month?” Others are wondering "What's a Blogging From A to Z Challenge anyway?"

How does the Challenge work?

The premise of the “Blogging From A to Z April Challenge” is to post something on your blog every day in April except for Sundays.  In doing this you will have 26 blog posts--one for each letter of the alphabet. Each day you will theme your post according to a letter of the alphabet.

You are limited only by your own imagination in this challenge. You can post essays, short pieces of fiction, poetry, recipes, photos, artwork, or anything else you would like to share.  You don't have to be a writer to do this.

How can this Challenge help you?

This is the second year this contest is being offered. I did not participate last year as I was not yet a part of the blogging community.

Some of the benefits mentioned by the host and a few of last year’s 100 participants were: improvement as a blogger and a writer, greater self-discipline, finding new blog friends, and increasing followers.

To sign up or learn more about this blogfest, please click on the graphic in the sidebar. This year the three Challenge hosts were hoping to see an increase to 300 bloggers participating. I am registered as participant number 550. What number will you be?


  1. Sylvia, thank you for joining up--I don't think you'll regret it. We also appreciate this grand announcement on your site.
    Hope you didn't hurt your teeth when you bit the bullet to sign up.
    Be seeing you!

    Tossing It Out

  2. Hi,
    I was no. 492 and to answer your question, no, I don't feel at all ready. I only just started blogging and the most I've managed is two posts in a week. Still, nothing ventured...

  3. I did this last year for my both regular blog and poetry blog, although not officially (I didn't sign up). I am already overcommitted in April with my poetry, but who knows...

    Have fun!

  4. I'm number 229 and I'm not ready in the least! Well, I've chosen a theme for my month of posts and I've written my post for April 1st, so I guess I'm on the road to being ready. I'm going to try and get as many as possibly done before April and pre-scheduled to post since I'm due to have a baby on April 4th. (Gasp!) I know, what was I thinking when I signed up? I wasn't, obviously.

  5. Blimey Sarah, that's committed. Might I suggest E is for Epidural?

  6. Heh. I thought of that. A for Anticipation. B for Baby! C for Where are the screws for this bloody Crib??? But I decided to go with a theme related to my writing instead. ;)

  7. I'm looking forward to this challenge, it's a huge one for me so here's to posting daily and remaining inspired for the entire month! ;-)

    Lovely to find your blog too, thanks for following mine.

  8. I'm looking forward to it! Kind of nervous too because I don't usually post this much but it will be fun to go around and find lots of new blogs. Like this one :)

  9. I am ready as a matter of fact. I have each topic already lined out for each day and I have already written my posts for A-K. Looking forward to finding new blogs and new bloggie friends! Thanks for stopping by!

  10. What fun! Now all I have to remember is to do it. Looking forward to meeting new blogger friends.

  11. I've also signed up and have decided on topics A-C so far! Hmm, need to put my mind to this - April 1st is getting nearer!
    Best wishes to all who have accepted the challenge!

  12. awesome chance to get mingled with other writers,

    I am 570...
    welcome join me for some other writing challenges I am currently participating.

  13. Wow...I guess I'm pretty far behind. I haven't planned what I'm going to write about yet. Obviously it will be writing/reading related, but that's as far as I've thought.

    I'm working to finish several other projects now, maybe inspiration will strike when I get caught up!

    Sarah - congrats on the new baby.

  14. Great to see so many people signing up for the challenge. This is my first year too and looking forward to it!

  15. I am setting up my topics and pre posting a few. going to be crazy.

  16. I have written a couple of blogs already... L M V. That is the way I found the ideas. So am I ready NO... But a deadline will make me get started, and hopefully get me back on schedule with my blogging.
