
Friday, January 28, 2011

"Space Tales" Writing Contest

Today is the 25th anniversary of the space shuttle Challenger explosion. Six astronauts and one teacher died following their dreams in pursuit of knowledge.
The space program has had a long and illustrious tradition of exploration and achievement which came from the hard work of thousands. This year marks the last three space shuttle missions.  
In memory of the sacrifice of so many, I am hosting a “Space Tales” contest. You may submit fiction, memoirs, interviews etc. I cannot offer payment at this time. The winner will receive publication of their story on this blog. Depending on the amount of entries, more than one winner may be chosen.

Submission Guidelines:
1.)    I am open to most genres as long as the main focus of the story in space related. Please, NO erotica. Graphic language/scenes are okay as long as integral to the story; No gratuitous sex scenes or shock-effect vulgarity. Nothing "X" rated.
2.)    Send as a Word Document or RTF attachment – if neither of these is possible, you may submit in the body of the email.
3.)    This must be an original story and previously unpublished.
4.)    Must be 3,500 words or less.
5.)    Send submission to with the subject line “Space Tale Submission”.
6.)    Include your title and byline/writing as name below title.
7.)    Include a short (2-4 sentences) biography, written in the third person, following your story. This will run after your story (if selected for publication). You may include your personal web or blog address if you wish.
8.)    Please send only ONE submission. Subsequent submissions will be discarded. Be sure you are finished with your story before you submit it. I will not take the time for alterations and rewrites.
9.)    I will send a short reply to let you know I have successfully received your story. If you don't receive a reply within 24 hours of submitting, please try again.
10.)             I will NOT offer individual feedback or critiques on your submissions at this time.

The contest runs from today until February 24 (the currently scheduled launch date for STS 133 Discovery). I will publish the winner(s) piece by April 19 (the currently scheduled launch date for STS 134 Endeavour). Good luck and Happy Writing!


  1. Dear, Ms. Ney,

    I just wrote about your contest on the Nathan Bransford fourm.

  2. Melody - thank you for the support!
