
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

December Goals

Wow, it’s already December. As you can tell, I did not complete my NaNoWriMo project. I haven’t even touched it in the last few weeks. Several trips to the doctor and hospital for my youngest daughter and the last thing I felt like doing was staring at the computer screen. Luckily, she is doing much better. She was released from the hospital in time to spend Thanksgiving at the lake with family. We were both thankful to be sleeping in our own beds again. God bless the inventor of the modern day mattress!
The Christmas season is upon us now and I’m looking forward to spending more time with my family. I just wish I knew what to buy everyone.  Once upon a time I did all of my holiday shopping before Thanksgiving because I hated to be in the stores at this time of year. However, now that I’m a stay-at-home mom, I can do my shopping in the early mornings before the crowds are out.
I’m not planning to start any new writing projects this month. I have too many waiting to be dusted off and completed.  In December, I just want to enjoy God’s blessings, spend more time with family and finish things left undone for too long.
What do you want to finish by the end of the year?


  1. I'm sorry to hear that your daughter was in the hospital, Sylvia! My 8-month-old nephew is in the hospital as well... on oxygen. This is a scary time of year for little ones.

    I plan on editing my novel and continuing on with my daily poetry, but I am suffering the consequences from too much time typing- my neck and shoulders are full of knots and tension! Who would have known?

    Merry Christmas to you and yours!!

  2. Hope your daughter is completely well. I'm headed to Kinkos to see if they can scan my book (OCR) and how much it will cost. I'm working on a chapbook of Haiku and loving every minute of it. I was inspired by a local author and his poetry book. I plan to take it easy in December and buckle down writing on January 1. Hope you have a blessed Christmas.

    Laurie, I didn't know you'd written an novel! :)
