
Friday, November 12, 2010

Beautiful Books and Another Writing Contest

I'm extremely behind on my NaNoWriMo project. I only have about 11,000 words typed. Too many responsibilities and pleasures have interfered with my quiet time this week. A new book release, meeting several deadlines, and kids activities have kept me from writing much, but it's been a great week. My only true complaint is that it's the middle of November and I'm still breaking a sweat walking out to the car!

Tuesday was the GTWG meeting. The hurricane anthology, It's In the Gulf, is finally complete - see sidebar for picture and other information. The guild started the book after hurricane Ike and problems with a publisher have kept it from being published for nearly two years now.  Proceeds from sale of this book will be divided between the GTWG and several disaster relief funds.

Debra, Peggy, Laurie, Sylvia and Carol

Above is a picture of me with several friends who also have stories and poems appearing in the anthology. Peggy recently published a children's book Queen of the Castle, Laurie's short story "A Christmas Basket" appears in the book Christmas Miracles and Carol has seven beautiful books of travel, loss and love available. I encourage you to check out their blogs in the sidebar. Any of these books would make wonderful Christmas presents.

Cleopatra Literary Contest for Young Women:

A rainy, but busy weekend is heading my way. Good luck with your own writing projects.


  1. I emailed DJ to see if he wanted the send some of the books to the BWG conference with Peggy but no response. Hope you get to come to the conference too! Bring all your friends. :)

  2. So nice meeting you at the BWG conference! Looking foward to seeing you again.

    Take care & God Bless.
